
Saturday 11 August 2012

Dingle Pelagic

Fulmar, 7km west of The Tearaght, 8th August 2012 (Dan Mantle).

Grey Phalarope, 7km west of The Tearaght, 8th August 2012 (Dan Mantle).

Storm Petrel, 7km west of The Tearaght, 8th August 2012 (Dan Mantle).

The annual pelagic out of Dingle on 8th August was a rather subdued affair with, as can be seen from the above photos, almost windless conditions. The Grey Phalarope and perhaps 10 Sooty Shearwaters were the avian highlights, perhaps eclipsed by the other sea life seen during the trip, Basking Shark, 2 Pilot Whales, Minke Whale and Sunfish.