
Friday 16 November 2012

Wood Sandpiper, Cashen Estuary

(Click on the image for a closer view)
Wood Sandpiper (just visible behind the Lapwing in the front/centre of the image), Cashen Estuary, 16th November 2012. Present since 14th November (D. Farrar).

Although there are around 80 records of Wood Sandpiper for Co. Kerry, the great majority fall in the months August and September, with just a few for June and July, and four for October. Previously the latest record was 16th October, at Akeragh Lough in 1966. This is the first for November for Kerry, and one of the few winter records for the whole of Ireland. Hutchinson's book, Birds in Ireland, lists only three winter records, one in November, one in December, and a bird which wintered at Clonakilty for two winters in 1966/67 and 1967/68.