
Monday 1 April 2013

Kerry Barn Owl documentary

Colin, with a Barn Owl chick, during filming in June of last year, at a Duhallow nest site (M.O'Clery).

Here's one for the diary – Tuesday 2nd April 2013, on RTE 1 television at 7pm – Wildlife documentary maker, Colin Stafford-Johnson, hosts a half hour long documentary on Barn Owls. Most of the filming was carried out in Duhallow and Kerry in summer 2012. The team followed John Lusby, Michael O'Clery and Brin McDonald as they carried out research and fieldwork during the Duhallow Raptor Conservation Project, and features some amazing footage of Barn Owl nests at two derelict cottages in Kerry and a tree nest in a family's back garden in Cork.

The crew filming John Lusby at a nest site in Co. Kerry.