
Saturday 25 October 2014

Another dead Barn Owl on the Tralee Bypass

Another Barn Owl has been found dead along the Tralee Bypass, on Thursday last - the fifth such casualty in less than a year, and the second since a detailed Barn Owl survey of the route was started in September 2014.

Dead Barn Owl, Tralee Bypass, 23rd October 2014 (M.O'Clery).

Dead Barn Owl, Tralee Bypass, 23rd October 2014 (M.O'Clery).

The on-going Barn Owl survey of the Bypass is requesting sightings of Barn Owls from that area. If you see one along the new Bypass - alive or dead - please report it immediately to this email address

See the Irish Raptor Blog for more details, HERE