
Wednesday 5 October 2016

AGP, SemiP and YBW.

American Golden Plover, Carrahane, 5th October 2016 (David O'Connor).

The wintering Golden Plover flock finally arrived at Carrahane and brought with it their Nearctic cousin. Any one else noticed, it seems like American Golden Plovers seem to most often hang out on the edge of a Golden Plover flock?... Like the 'friend-of-a-friend' at an intimate family wedding, they often seem to be a part of the gang, but separate.

American Golden Plover, Carrahane, 5th October 2016 (David O'Connor).

Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper, Kilshannig, 5th October 2016 (Kilian Kelly).

Present for a second day at the flooded commonage at Kilshannig.

Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper, Kilshannig, 5th October 2016 (Kilian Kelly).

Yellow-browed Warbler, Kilreellig, Bolus Head, 5th October 2016 (Michael O'Clery).

The third of these Siberian gems to be seen in Kerry this autumn, so far all at the Bolus Head/Finian's Bay area on the Iveragh Peninsula. With a conservative estate of 1500 seen on British and Scottish North Sea coasts in the last week, and easterly winds forecast for at least a week ahead, there must surely be more of these to be found. Perhaps a lot more...