
Monday 3 April 2017

SemiP from 2007 re-identified as Kerry's first Red-necked Stint

Initially identified as a juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper, this bird was recently re-identified as the first (live) juvenile Red-necked Stint for the Western Palearctic, Ventry Harbour, Co. Kerry, 6th September 2007. Found by Mike Hoit, Keith Langdon and Dan Brown (Photo: Dan Brown).

It was announced recently that a stint at Ventry Harbour in Ireland in September 2007, originally identified and accepted as a juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper, has now been re-identified from photos as a juvenile Red-necked Stint (making it the first live juvenile for the Western Palearctic).

A couple of photos of the bird in question are HERE.

With thanks to Ed Carty who drew our attention to the record, Ed writes, "Features visible include some warmth to the upper scapulars, lack of strong anchors in the lower scapulars, pale sides to the crown, longish primary-projection - but unquestionably a tricky ID and well done to whoever noticed that all wasn't quite right with the original identification..."

There's an excellent account of a 2016 Norwegian occurrence HERE, and another in Iceland shortly after HERE, and fabulous photos of a juvenile in the more typical range - Mongolia - HERE. Some record shots of the only other Kerry record, an adult Red-necked Stint found by Pat McDaid near Waterville in August 2011 can be found on this page HERE.

With thanks to Ed Carty.