One of the Birds of the Year, this Mourning Dove at the tail end of October was the first for Kerry, but due to Covid-19 lockdown restrictions, wasn't widely publicised at the time, and the location was undisclosed, other than 'Valentia Island'. It was present for just two days. Such a shame more birders couldn't get to enjoy it, but hey, blame the goddam global pandemic... bad for our healths, bad for our mental healths, and bad for our Kerry bird lists.
Mourning Dove is common throughout the States and southern Canada, in much the same habitat as our Collared Dove - gardens, hedgerow and farmland, and this bird chose a farmland track for its brief stay, offering views down to just 10m.
Mourning Dove, Valentia Island, 30th October 2020 (A. Non.).
Mourning Dove, Valentia Island, 30th October 2020. |
Mourning Dove, Valentia Island, 30th October 2020. |
Mourning Dove, Valentia Island, 30th October 2020. |
Mourning Dove, Valentia Island, 30th October 2020. |