Today there was at least 10, possibly 15 or more, Siberian Chiffchaffs at Killarney National Park. Most, of course, were at the known wintering Chiffchaff hot spot, the waterworks stream, with up to five in view at the same time, but others, or some of the same ones, on trees and overhanging foliage along the stream below the waterworks, and yet more further S near Ross Castle, and along the River Walk a little to the west. Hard to know how many birds were involved, but ten is the minimum. Also present were at least 15-20 regular Chiffchaffs.
Siberian Chiffchaff, Killarney NP, 30th January 2022 (Michael O'Clery).
Siberian Chiffchaff, Killarney NP, 30th January 2022 (Michael O'Clery). |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Killarney NP, 30th January 2022 (Michael O'Clery). |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Killarney NP, 30th January 2022 (Michael O'Clery). |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Killarney NP, 30th January 2022 (Michael O'Clery). |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Killarney NP, 30th January 2022 (Michael O'Clery). |
Siberian Chiffchaff, Killarney NP, 30th January 2022 (Michael O'Clery). |